Monday, November 29, 2010

Loan Sharks

In the world today, it is not at all unusual to find yourself short of the cash you need to pay your bills, feed your family and maintain a reasonable lifestyle. For every working stiff who runs out of money before they run out of week, there are unfortunately a number of shady characters willing to loan you all the money you need at an exorbitant interest rate. You will have to be careful to avoid these loan sharks when you find yourself in need of quick cash.

Loan sharks are not just something made up in Hollywood to sell movie tickets. Unfortunately, loan sharks are all too real and getting involved with one can wreak havoc on your personal and professional life.

Loan sharks prey on people in financial distress. These people are often unable to obtain loans through traditional channels like banks and savings and loans. Often this is because of either bad credit or the nature of the debt they have incurred. A compulsive gambler may not be able to convince their local bank loan officer to help pay off their gambling debts. Likewise, if your credit is poor, you will find it extremely difficult to obtain a loan at a reasonable interest rate. Any time you borrow money, it is vital to know the interest rate you will be required to pay. If you interest rate is too high, you may never be able to pay off your debt. Your debt may pile up faster than you can pay it off. This is good for the loan sharks but bad for you. Loan sharks want to keep you in debt. This makes you dependent on them for ever increasing amounts of money.

Even if you are not a gambling man and not involved in any shady dealings, you can still fall victim to loan sharks of various stripes. Many so called payday loan and payday cash advance companies are actually loan sharks in disguise. They often charge exorbitant rates of interest in exchange for the quick cash they dispense. Although technically legal, these businesses are considered loan sharks by a great many of their former and current customers.

No matter what type of loan sharks you get mixed up with, extricating yourself from their clutches may be one of the biggest challenges you will ever face. Loan sharks, both the legal kind and the back alley kind, are notorious for chasing down the money they are owed. While not every loan shark is of the old leg breaking school, they will find ways to make your life miserable until you pay them what you owe. They will most likely visit you at your home or place of work to demand their payments. This tactic is extremely effective for the loan sharks and highly disconcerting for you. In addition to putting your personal relationships and your job in jeopardy, these type of tactics violate your sense of personal freedom and personal space.

The best way to deal with loan sharks is not to get involved with them in the first place. Anytime you need a loan, make sure you deal only with reputable firms. Make sure you know with whom you are dealing and that you get a full disclosure of the interest rate charged by the lender and all associated fees. One of the most common tricks loan sharks use to keep their customers in debt is to charge extremely high late payment fees, often as high as 1 to 1.5% per day. You can see how quickly your loan can spiral out of control at rates like this.

If you've already fallen into the clutches of a loan shark, the best way (probably the only way) to make them go away is to pay your debt in full. You may need to swallow your pride and borrow the funds you need from your relatives. It is always hard to admit to financial problems, and many people let their debt get completely out of control before they seek help. Your family and friends will most likely be willing to help you out with your financial issues. They will probably be more understanding than you expect. After all, most people wrestle with financial demons at some point in their lives.

Once you have banished the financial demons that loan sharks represent, it is vital that you not repeat your past mistakes. If you have a problem with gambling, seek help for your addiction. It is important to get your financial house in order so that you will no longer be easy prey for the loan sharks that prowl the financial waters.


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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Conway Twitty's "That's My Job"

This is dedicated to my Daddy, i Love this song but couldnt find the right video. SO i maneged to put this together. (Sry about the same pics, first timer at this)

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Friday, November 12, 2010

Public Presentation: The Economic Impact of Pay Day Loans & No Accounts http This presentation covers the annual economic impact of millions of lost dollars spent by employed central Texans on check cashing and pay day loan fees. A lack of direct deposit and checking accounts results in the average "unbanked" central Texan to lose $40000 in their life time. In addition, millions of dollars are lost annually on predatory pay day loans. This presentation covers Financial Empowerment in the Workplace, a project developed through partnerships of Hispanic Austin Leadership, United Way Capital Area, and the local Bank On Campaign to address this issue at the employer level. The goal of the campaign was to educate employees, through the workplace, to open bank accounts, set up direct deposit, and avoid predatory loans. "Payday lending is a controversial practice and faces both legal battles and public perception challenges in nearly every place where it is practiced." Alejandro Dominguez, alumni of Hispanic Austin Leadership and active member in the Austin community, presents the outcome of the project on 4/29/10 in Austin, TX to over 200 members and guests of the Greater Austin Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. To see more outreach videos and public presentations from Alejandro visit his YouTube Channel @ If you are interested in Non-Profit YouTube Consultation and Search Engine Optimization, please contact Alejandro via his blog @

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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Home Loan Modification Hardship Letter Sample

When applying for a loan modification you will be required to provide the lender with a hardship letter. This can be the hardest part for a homeowner because many are not sure what to write and some become overwhelmed.

Here will be a sample of a hardship letter that will explain the basic feel that should be used in the letter. Provided is a sample hardship letter along with instructions for what one should bring up in their own letter. The lender needs this letter to see if you qualify for the loan, everyone's letter will be different with different reasons as to why they need a loan modification, in order for the lender to take your situation seriously you must also tell your story.

Account number: [Your loan number]

[The name your loan is under, usually your own.]

[Your residential address, which is also the address you are requesting loan modification on. Loan modifications are not allowed for properties that are not lived in.]

[Your phone number and email]

To Whom It May Concern: (Or the persons name if you know it.)

[Explain the reason for the loan modification in the hardship letter.] The reason for this letter is to explain the reason I/we have fallen behind on the mortgage payments. I am requesting that you work with us/me on a loan modification. I/we have come across some hard times that are making everything a struggle. I/we would like to work out a plan with you and possibly work out different terms on the mortgage so we can stay in our home.

[Keep the explanation of the reasons short and to the point. Try to limit it to about one paragraph.] I lost my job a few months back and have not be able to find anything that pays enough to pay all of my bills or other expenses. I had some savings that I have been using to try to stay afloat but that is now gone. I have however found a position that pays well enough to get back on my feet and am scheduled to begin working in a few days. My spouse, who pays half of our monthly expenses, has fallen ill with X and can no longer work because of the medical treatment. Fortunately the doctors expect a full recovery within 6 months. Although it is great that my spouse will recover, the medical treatment being used is expensive and we can not afford to pay our other expenses along with the medical treatment.

[Explain your come back plan.] After doing the math I have come to the conclusion that with my new position I will be able to pay monthly expenses including the mortgage payment of $X. As soon as my spouse recovers from her illness we will be financially stable again however until that day comes we will be a little strapped for money. If possible we are requesting [Ask for exactly the loan modification agreement you feel you can handle and they will approve of]

Thank you for you patience and time. Thank you for looking over my situation and considering the home loan modification plan that will help us get back on our feet.



What we have written above is just a sample letter, make sure you remember this. When writing a hardship letter for a home loan modification it is a good idea to go a little deeper into your story but make sure not to make it into a tear jerker. While you may feel that if you pull some heart strings you will have a better chance of being approved, however the reality is the lenders don't want to hear it. The lenders are just trying to determine if you are at risk of defaulting again.

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